This is a Personal Blog commissioned to spread awareness about the features and usability of Virtual Credit Card that is generated via a legal bank.

Virtual Credit Card is 100% legal and safe to use at any online shopping websites not limited to paypal, ebay, godaddy, amazon etc.

VCC does NOT work on porn, gambling, ponzy and/or money laundering sites etc. and so don't try it.

I am ready to help you with a VCC provided I know you

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Hey Guys!

Look at this GMAIL SCAM email. You are requested NOT to click on ANY LINK .. read the text properly and you will see spelling mistakes making it a PHILSHING EMAIL..

from Gmail Team
9:36 am (2 hours ago)
to admin.vccguide@gmail.com
Apr 24, 2008 9:36 AM
subject Gmail is different. Here's Our New Security Protector Please Update.
mailed-by frio.nswebhost.com

Dear members
Your account has been randomly flagged in our system as a part of our routine security measures. This is a must to ensure that only you have acces and use of your Gmail and to ensure a safe Gmail experience. We require all flagged accounts to verify their information on file with us. This is the right link for update account page After you verify your information, your account shall be returned to good standing and you will continue to have full use of your account.Please note that if you don't verify your ownership of account in 2 x 24 hours we will block/ susspend your

Gmail Administrator

Look at the mailed-by address .... look at the way this message has been phrased.. Google wont write anything crappy like this to you..

Also the update account link takes you to http://server-gmail.com/
its a philshing server ready to grab your GMAIL credentails..

Be safe! Stay safe!



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