This is a Personal Blog commissioned to spread awareness about the features and usability of Virtual Credit Card that is generated via a legal bank.

Virtual Credit Card is 100% legal and safe to use at any online shopping websites not limited to paypal, ebay, godaddy, amazon etc.

VCC does NOT work on porn, gambling, ponzy and/or money laundering sites etc. and so don't try it.

I am ready to help you with a VCC provided I know you

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

PayPal is LIMITED, what's next?

If you see a notification in your email saying your PayPal Account has been LIMITED and PayPal needs additional information, then you need to make sure you send PayPal what they want to lift the limitation.

Most Commonly, PayPal will ask to FAX a Utility Bill matching the address you have in your PayPal Account as proof to lift the limitation within 24-48 hours. The proof not necessarily should show your name but the address should match or else this is what they will ask....read further below..

If you goof up too much then they will ask Credit Card Statement FAX. Here is the trouble, If you used Virtual Credit Card, you are basically screwed. So plan on sending them something they can trust rather mixing too much with the resolution officer.


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